Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sketchbook Reworking

To the suggestion of one of my art teachers, I took a photo-copy of my original drawing and worked in some color.
Currently, I am working on a large scale watercolor version of this.

Animal Planet Rebranding

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sketchbook; Aphrodite

As a part of a portraiture project, I am going to be emulating myself as a few Greek Gods and Godesses.
This is myself as Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty

Animal Planet Logo Sketches

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sketchbook Updates

 This first one is a work in progress for another project I am working on.
 A random tattoo design to represent Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and of The Hunt.
 A work in progress for a figure of speech project.
 A random face I created by using components of the face and piecing them together.
A short study I did on poses of the nose and mouth that give me some trouble.

Article Animal Mesh